
Wendy Itzel Escobedo Hinojosa
Maestría en Biotecnología (CEIB, UAEM, 2010, Mención Honorífica)
Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas (FM, UNAM, 2013, Mención Honorífica)
Postdoctorado en Microbiología Molecular (CCG, UNAM, 2015)
Postdoctorado en Biotecnología (IBT, UNAM, 2017)
Postdoctorado en Biocatálisis (ITB, Universidad de Stuttgart, Alemania, 2020)
Productos Naturales Marinos
Diversificación biocatalítica de metabolitos indolicos bioactivos de bacterias marinas de la península de Yucatán
- Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1
- Beca Horizon 2020 de la Comision Europea
- Beca Santander Universia
Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Vila, M. A., Wissner, J. L., Härterich, N., Horz, P., Iglesias, C., & Hauer, B.* (2023). Exploring the substrate scope of glycerol dehydrogenase GldA from E. coli BW25113 towards cis-dihydrocatechol derivatives. Journal of Biotechnology, 366, 19-24.
Hunold, A., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Potoudis, E., Resende, D., Farr, T., Syrén, P. -O.., & Hauer, B.* (2021). Assembly of a Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase multicomponent system from Phenylobacterium immobile E DSM 1986 enables pyrazon cis-dihydroxylation in E. coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105(5), 2003-2015.
Wissner, J. L., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Vogel, A., & Hauer, B.* (2021). An engineered toluene dioxygenase for a single step biocatalytical production of (-)-(1S,2R)-cis-1,2-dihydro-1,2-naphthalenediol. Journal of Biotechnology, 326, 37-39.
Wissner, J. L., Ludwig, J., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., & Hauer, B.* (2021). An enhanced toluene dioxygenase platform for the production of cis-1,2-dihydrocatechol in Escherichia coli BW25113 lacking glycerol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Biotechnology, 325, 380-388.
Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Hammer, S. C., Wissner, J. L., & Hauer, B.* (2021). Fast and easy synthesis of the non-commercially available standard isobutyl monophosphate (ammonium salt). MethodsX, 8.
Wissner, J. L., Schelle, J. T., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Vogel, A., & Hauer, B.* (2021). Semi-Rational Engineering of Toluene Dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida F1 towards Oxyfunctionalization of Bicyclic Aromatics. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis.
Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Wissner, J. L., & Hauer, B.* (2021). A real-time 31P-NMR-based approach for the assessment of glycerol kinase catalyzed monophosphorylations. MethodsX, 8.
Wissner, J. L., Ludwig, J., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., & Hauer, B.* (2020). Strategy for identification of cis-dihydrodiendiol-degrading dehydrogenases in E. coli BW25113. MethodsX, 7.
Klenk, J. M., Kontny, L. H., Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., Nebel, B. A., & Hauer, B.* (2019). Oxyfunctionalization of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by filamentous-fungi. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 127(3), 724-738.
Escobedo-Hinojosa, W. I.*, Gomez-Chang, E.*, García-Martínez, K.*, Guerrero Alquicira, R.*, Cardoso-Taketa, A.*, & Romero, I.* (2018). Gastroprotective Mechanism and Ulcer Resolution Effect of Cyrtocarpa procera Methanolic Extract on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Injury. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018.
Escobedo-Hinojosa, W., & Pardo-López, L.* (2017). Analysis of bacterial metagenomes from the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico for pathogens detection. Pathogens and Disease, 75(5).